Ceili Moss

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An Irish traditional in which no one dies a horrible death starving in the cold nor is forced to marry a wealthy troll. How odd...
Ceili Moss's avatar
A breakup song, not about the time you think the sun ain't gonna shine anymooooooore, but a bit later...
Ceili Moss's avatar
A sort of parodic theological dispute in French. Words and music by Laurent Leemans. From the 2003 album "Glad to find you well"
Ceili Moss's avatar
A Scottish sea shantey, in an arrangement by Michael Goffioul. From the 2006 album "On the shore"

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rinyville's avatar
I started to collaborate with a guitarist and singer called Vili Ross (also listen to his stuff on myspace or youtube). This is a song I wrote a few years ago and was broadcasted on Canadian national radio and got a good review from Murray McLauchlan…
rinyville's avatar
Another song with Vili Ross. I wrote this one today......this morning and today was the first time I worked with Vili....and the two of us just get along, as persons and musically.
rinyville's avatar
I've got this very special friend and she's having a hard time right now with her mother going through chemo and her grandmother probably dying in the nearby future.....so, I just wanted to write a song of comfort.
rinyville's avatar
A song for a very special friend, and I'm glad she loved it. I hope I can soon post some songs of her and me together here.
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rinyville's avatar
I've got this very special friend and she's having a hard time right now with her mother going through chemo and her grandmother probably dying in the nearby future.....so, I just wanted to write a song of comfort.

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Ceili Moss's avatar
A breakup song, not about the time you think the sun ain't gonna shine anymooooooore, but a bit later...
rinyville's avatar
rinyville said

And this one is really great!! I'm now in the mood to listen to 'Les Negresses Vertes' again. Thanks for this song!

Ceili Moss's avatar
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rinyville's avatar
rinyville said

Love this one!! And love the title as well!

Ceili Moss's avatar
An Irish traditional in which no one dies a horrible death starving in the cold nor is forced to marry a wealthy troll. How odd...
Guest said

Good one.

Ceili Moss's avatar
A melancholic piece about the loss of innocence. Music by Benjamin Delforge, Laurent Leemans & Michael Goffioul, words by Laurent Leemans. From the 2003 album "Glad to find you well".
Guest said

wow, i just uploaded a track with the same name. far as the eye can see. they could not be more different. this is great.

Ceili Moss's avatar
A Scottish sea shantey, in an arrangement by Michael Goffioul. From the 2006 album "On the shore"
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one mate very cool.

Ceili Moss's avatar

Acoustic Northern European folk-rock with guts and melodies, not afraid of colouring a bit outside of the lines. That’s what you might say to describe Ceilí Moss in a few words. Perhaps it is Genevieve Williams from Widdershins who said it best: “They are not as punk as The Pogues, but they have a bit of that attitude and it gives them an edge many folk groups lack”. Other recurring comparisons are Ambrozijn, Tri Yann, Jaune Toujours, Les Ogres de Barback, The Waterboys, the old Clannad…

Our fourth album “La vie sent quoi?” is available since october 2010 and we’ll be intensively touring the Benelux and Northern France in 2011.

from Namur, Belgium

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