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I am blind but I read you like I´m reading braille
I´m half drunk but what is rushing through my veins
Isn´t caffeine or alcohol though the kick feels much the same
Blind, half drunk I stumble but I’ll get up and try again
I must have said a…
The unknown road up ahead, untraveled for ages, for years
Has got weeds seeping through the cracks of the pavement
It waits for me, it waits for me there
Will you wait for me, will you wait for me somewhere
At these wild roads I walk
These wild…
A Dutch song.....my native language, wrote it yesterday
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I am blind but I read you like I´m reading braille
I´m half drunk but what is rushing through my veins
Isn´t caffeine or alcohol though the kick feels much the same
Blind, half drunk I stumble but I’ll get up and try again
I must have said a…
I wrote this thing in 1994. When I played it to some friends back then they went "yeah, but where's the rest of it?"
I've been struggling with that concept ever since. Then, a while ago, a couple of kindly souls removed that worry from me…
Another one jip1965 sent to me for playing with!
Silent and magical
Calming and practical
Moonbeams, silver moonbeams
Filtering through the air
Twinkling in our hair
Moonbeams, silver moonbeams
Dancing on the leaves of trees
The unknown road up ahead, untraveled for ages, for years
Has got weeds seeping through the cracks of the pavement
It waits for me, it waits for me there
Will you wait for me, will you wait for me somewhere
At these wild roads I walk
These wild…
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A Dutch song.....my native language, wrote it yesterday
I am blind but I read you like I´m reading braille
I´m half drunk but what is rushing through my veins
Isn´t caffeine or alcohol though the kick feels much the same
Blind, half drunk I stumble but I’ll get up and try again
I must have said a…
A song for a very special friend, and I'm glad she loved it. I hope I can soon post some songs of her and me together here.
I wanted a song that had the rhythm of aimlessly driving around.
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Reg got to thinking and it's pretty simple really all he needs is Love.......
Come Tomorrow
I'm like a tumbleweed, got no roots
I'm like a climbing vine, leaves and chutes
Come tomorrow, I might not be around
Come tomorrow
I'm a reflection, you see me in your mirror
A missed connection, so far and yet right here…
A breakup song, not about the time you think the sun ain't gonna shine anymooooooore, but a bit later...
Latest Comments
I am blind but I read you like I´m reading braille
I´m half drunk but what is rushing through my veins
Isn´t caffeine or alcohol though the kick feels much the same
Blind, half drunk I stumble but I’ll get up and try again
I must have said a…
Thanks for the comments. Really appreciate it....I know I should listen to others more often but I can't always find the time for it (yes, I feel guilty).
I am blind but I read you like I´m reading braille
I´m half drunk but what is rushing through my veins
Isn´t caffeine or alcohol though the kick feels much the same
Blind, half drunk I stumble but I’ll get up and try again
I must have said a…
I am blind but I read you like I´m reading braille
I´m half drunk but what is rushing through my veins
Isn´t caffeine or alcohol though the kick feels much the same
Blind, half drunk I stumble but I’ll get up and try again
I must have said a…
I am blind but I read you like I´m reading braille
I´m half drunk but what is rushing through my veins
Isn´t caffeine or alcohol though the kick feels much the same
Blind, half drunk I stumble but I’ll get up and try again
I must have said a…
I am blind but I read you like I´m reading braille
I´m half drunk but what is rushing through my veins
Isn´t caffeine or alcohol though the kick feels much the same
Blind, half drunk I stumble but I’ll get up and try again
I must have said a…
Good tune.
Who am I? What do I do? I teach English in the Netherlands and I write obsessively, and hope people enjoy what I do. ….and Lou Reed once said it: ‘One chord is fine. Two chords is pushing it. Three chords and you’re into jazz.’…..and I try to live up to that (doesn’t always work though).
from Eindhoven, the Netherlands, Netherlands
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