Colleen Dillon's listening history

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Here's the second one we did at the Winterland Studios. You'll hear Greg Connor on guitar and vocals, Colin W. on bass and vocals and Randy C. on piano. This was a blast! I think this is definitely the best version yet of this song.
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Here's a new one I've been working on for the last few weeks... time to say "done!"... Trying to push some of my limits again and try some new things. Hope you like it! Reassurance © 2015 Colleen Dillon Sometimes we sigh, we cry We fall…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
This is my submission for the "write something about glass" challenge.... It battled me a bit, and I ended up with a fairly spare arrangement, but it's simple like GLASS! Poorly Blown Glass © 2015 Colleen Dillon Verse 1: Your love was…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Well the MN songwriters were in my living room tonight. We all shared our contributions to the "glass" songwriting challenge. Here's the live version of Poorly Blown Glass with Greg Connor on Guitar, Scott Zosel on Mandolin, Colin Walterson…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Here's my contribution to the "Who Knew" songwriting challenge. Also my first 12 bar blues song which was a challenge I added for myself, so hope you like it! Who Knew © 2015 Colleen Dillon Verse 1: You’re soft in your heart But rough…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Wrote this song yesterday after another long week of crummy news in the world and had the good fortune of the Minnesota song writers in my living room tonight to help me bring it to life. Greg Connor - on the cigar beat box, Colin Walterson on…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
I was so excited when SlKrell wrote to ask if I would do the vocals on this excellent song he wrote! I loved his lyrics and the rocking backing guitars. Hope you enjoy it too!
Colleen Dillon's avatar
First song of 2016! I wanted to give it a spare arrangement as that seemed to fit the theme of the song, so mostly a vocal piece. Thanks for listening!! Singing In the Silence © 2016 Colleen Dillon Verse 1: Singing in the silence…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
The wonderful MN songwriters helped take a bite out of the January cold on Tuesday night this week and added some amazing depth to Singing in the Silence - We were as usual, recording on a little TASCAM around my coffee table. We had lots of…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
This one is still a bit rough, but I wanted to share and see if anyone has an interest in adding some guitars, bass, other vocal parts for fun. I left the chords in the lyrics below, in case you wanted to collaborate. I hope you enjoy it…