Colleen Dillon's listening history

Gary Fox's avatar
The song that led the way. I came up with the guitar sound first, and needed a song that evoked the pure energy that was coming from that guitar sound. It needed to be fast and intense. And it needed harmonies. We're full abandon 'cause it's time…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Bits and Pieces
Greg Connor's avatar
Shadows & Light, A compilation between: Bethan Mathis, Vocals Lisa D, Irish Whistle Greg Connor, Guitar Lyrics: Shadows And Light, Written by…
Keith Landry's avatar
"The pictures that she paints while you're keeping time might just make you think again if you don't believe in the divine." Simply, it's a delicate little song appreciating the talents behind a beautifully written and performed song with the…
Andrew Russe's avatar
A new one... I wrote it on 5th February, and managed to record it in less than a month (a head-cold and lack of hearing in one ear slowed the last lap somewhat). But seeing as the last one took over 8 months, I think I'm already ahead for…
yourchangingbrain's avatar
Gene Eric Mann's avatar
One of my better Psych Folk recordings. Intro voice and keyboards by Starry Nightmoth. BG rhythm/drums generated using a Yamaha E313 KB. Lyrics, music and all other instruments and vocals are my fault. BEHOLD THE BREAD (Unleavened) All of…
kavin.'s avatar
Track 1 for the RPM 2015 album Cold Ground Was My Bed No man is a prophet in his own home No man is a prophet in his own You can do just what you want, in the end you stand alone No man is a prophet in his own Don’t want no cryin’ when…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Update: Paul took the first version and made it even better. So impressed with his talents. Thanks everyone for your kind words on the original. I know you'll like this version even more! I was listening to some of Paul Lennon's great…
kavin.'s avatar
Track 5 from my RPMX album Cold Ground Was My Bed Inspired by Salvador Dali. Mostly. Gravity failing Cats float flailing Furniture in midair Salvador smiling Rainbows crying Clocks melting everywhere Pachyderms stilted Lovers…