Colleen Dillon's listening history

Greg Connor's avatar
Here is my contribution to the latest song writing challenge offered by the Minnesota Songwriters. (Write a song using the topic: GLASS) Everyone is welcome to participate. __________________________________________ STAINED GLASS…
Rick Phillips's avatar
Tried my hand at lead guitar on this one for a different flavor, Thanks to Norm for his percussion magic!
amebo419's avatar
Sister Savage's avatar
With music written and performed by Aged Machine for the RPM Challenge, 2013. Demo version.
thetworegs's avatar
Another live in the cellar....with a little borrowing from Zep...Stairway a song about a beautiful lady who gets old... Stairway I've been told the long legged women ain't got no soul but that ain't gonna stop her finding her goal She's…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Here's the second one we did at the Winterland Studios. You'll hear Greg Connor on guitar and vocals, Colin W. on bass and vocals and Randy C. on piano. This was a blast! I think this is definitely the best version yet of this song.
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Here's a new one I've been working on for the last few weeks... time to say "done!"... Trying to push some of my limits again and try some new things. Hope you like it! Reassurance © 2015 Colleen Dillon Sometimes we sigh, we cry We fall…
Nick P's avatar
A BIG, BIG thank you to Wildgeas who took my simple acoustic guitar song and turned it into a beautiful work of art. Arrangements and Production done magnificently by Paul Lennon (Wildgeas). Also, special thank you to Bethan who put her sweet…
The Proods's avatar
Volcano was one of the first tracks that the Proods uploaded to Alonetone, it was fun because it features the Prood gals who aren't always available to jam.
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
mostly noise lap steel piece for improvFriday at