Colleen Dillon's listening history
Another Minnesota Coffee Table Song! Written and recorded “live” in one evening.
Memories: Written and performed by John Bennet, Joe Passofaro, Mark Lofgren, Colleen Dillon & Greg Connor. Listen to Minnesota Homebrew Radio w/ Carl Unbehaun…
“This Balloon” was written for the Minnesota Homebrew Radio Show hosted by Carl Unbehaun. A March songwriting Challenge - Write a song about Balloons. Listen to Carl’s radio show on the internet:
Pioneer Radio 90.1 Thief River Falls, MN - Minnesota…
Brett S
This is what can happen if you show up at Greg’s house for a little bit of songwriting fun with plastic cups! Thanks everyone!
This song was written using Harley Coborn's (Bass Guitar) personal experience, and a little bit of wine.
Written by Colleen Dillon, Mark Lofgren & Greg Connor around the Minnesota Coffee Table in less than 3 hours.
Cleave me from my foibles
My heart is torn in two
I can’t go forward
And I can’t…
A song I wrote over the last few days. Did a one-take-wonder on the recording, so it's pretty simple. Hope you like it!
Sometimes You Don't
Verse 1
Sometimes in the early morning hours
As the sun lights up the sky
I look back and think…
This song was inspired for all of us who've cycled through a relationship or two.... My dear friends Greg Connor and Mark Lofgren of the infamous MN Coffee Table helped bring it to life with Greg on Banjo and Mark on Lead Guitar. Both of them…
Recorded with my friend Darren Tipper, who lives in England and bounced this back and forth with me for awhile last year via the BandLab mobile app.
I did the drum loop, lap steel, bass, banjo and vocal. Darren did the mandolin and organ.
Having fun with crunchy guitars and learning about making a sequenced drum part.
Guitars, bass, “drums,” “singing”: Ben Niven
Lead guitar in intro: Darren Tipper
The other night I was sitting out watching a little fire in my backyard, and thinking about how useless it is to let the past dictate our present and future. This one is dedicated to all of us with relationships in our history that have no place…
I wrote this one in response to a song writing challenge from the Minnesota Association of Songwriters. The title had to be Mississippi Moon and it had to have a I V VI I II chord progression somewhere in the song. Over 20 writers have signed…