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Here is a story for yah
Sometimes it just rains And rains
Just ask Steve He knows
Got a hold of a 12 string guitar and ran a cover of my favorite song
'' Put the load right on me '' '' The weight ''
A mix of flattop and les Paul electric guitars
We loved our fm radio ,but before that we loved our after midnight radio
Out of Chicago............
Sleazy boyfriend goes out on the working girls money , what a creep
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hey .... Cheer up and play some ABBA tunes
Greg Connor Steve Krell Guitars
Off the cuff vocal. slkrell
Here is a story for yah
Sometimes it just rains And rains
Just ask Steve He knows
I wrote this song 5 years ago and have recorded a new version of it every year since (I think). This version features a Baritone 8 String guitar and Mandolin.
My lyrics, performance by Amigos Imaginarios (AI)
Chesapeake Bay in the Fall
2020© by John Schofield
I step on deck and watch the dawn
Not a ripple shows on the bay
When the morning mist has gone
It will be another fine day
The forest…
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Got a hold of a 12 string guitar and ran a cover of my favorite song
'' Put the load right on me '' '' The weight ''
If you enjoy fishing and you like the Mexican beaches Cabo may be for you
Well, IF YOU eveh spend time above the 45 th parallel
You know all about the northern view
So here is my imaginary solution to a northern cold ass winter
If you don't get it that's not unusual
The melody wanders like the sand
My mind wanders
Even a blind pig occasionally gets lucky
I am that creacher
Recent Favorites
V1 all I do is sing the same old song
As sunrise opens up my eyes
Im Far away I'm in a trance
bout your our mind your lips your thighs
V2 I cant help thinkin' of coming over
I already feel the heat
But Lets take it slow, let's relax…
Latest Comments
Here is a story for yah
Sometimes it just rains And rains
Just ask Steve He knows
Here is a story for yah
Sometimes it just rains And rains
Just ask Steve He knows
Well, IF YOU eveh spend time above the 45 th parallel
You know all about the northern view
So here is my imaginary solution to a northern cold ass winter
If you don't get it that's not unusual
😍 love it
Well, IF YOU eveh spend time above the 45 th parallel
You know all about the northern view
So here is my imaginary solution to a northern cold ass winter
If you don't get it that's not unusual
Hello Chris You are my first parrot head , so I wrote this tune for you I really had some fun checking out the buffet thing
Got a hold of a 12 string guitar and ran a cover of my favorite song
'' Put the load right on me '' '' The weight ''
Old guy with guitars
from Charlevoix Michigan
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24 tracks