Colleen Dillon's listening history
Ok, didn't want to play, then this popped out.......'cause you know we're all mad..... least I can listen to them all now !!!!!
In one hour or less - with mallets.
I guess I'm just the guy to do the mechanical, electronic, energized, futuristic version :)
The end is the best part.
Muriel Jeanne Skinner promised that if it were possible she would come back from the dead to
tell me about the afterlife. She has not returned..
Opened the window to let some air flow through
A bird flew in and landed in my living room
This is the instrumental version of the song. I have poetry to go with it, but I don't sing. I'll get someone to add a vocal track to this soon.
I thought i'd join in the fun thanks for the challenge Gene......with a little fx free from
I built myself an android
I’ve been sitting here lonely for seems a long long time
i’ve even thought of buying myself one of them internet…
welll... this year for RPM i am trying music and instruments i have never used/learned/done ie know nothing about... why? im not sure i now know.. but it did seem like a good idea two weeks ago.. so here is the "first half" of what i have so…
An acoustic short song I just made up, I kept it very basic by only using my little Höhner guitar with nylon strings of which I recorded two layers. I hope you will enjoy my song ! Warm regards from Anna.
This is the instrumental version of the song. I have poetry to go with it, but I don't sing. I'll get someone to add a vocal track to this soon.
If she'd just been honest about it online, b4 they met in person, he could have been cool with it... based on a story related to me by a friend, and hopefully it will be taken in the fun spirit in which it is intended and no one is too offended.