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Doctor P : With Apologies Mix

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We had some people from Remix Fight remix Doctor P. and this one really caught our hearts. And luckily John Ingram graciously let us have it to put up here :) Enjoy. [right click on arrow and select ‘save link as’ to download]

childhoodsend's avatar
childhoodsend said

OK you guys are really good. I keep coming back for more.

blunted's avatar
blunted said

alright 4 the reviews..nice atmospheric track...kool bass..i think im becoming a fan of u guys 4 sure,i hear so many styles on this track all blended into 1..once again lovin the vocals-she rocks...peace

John Boutilier's avatar
John Boutilier said

Hey Boson, I wish I knew the name of your band sooner. Nice track. Cool groove to it. John

glu's avatar
glu said

great remixes of a great song! I really like the beats and ambient sounds.

Sudara's avatar
Sudara said

I'm digging this remix!
