c}{imps 8 my ears's listening history

jihyuneya's avatar
WM Recordings's avatar
Meanwhileproject.ltd is M. Adam, family guy, musician and teacher. Today is Sunday is his first official release as a solo artist. He also plays guitar in the two alternative rock bands Lunatic Skydance and Concerto HiFi. M. Adam lives and works…
brando's avatar
Feeling a little New Order style roadtrip music.
China Prison Orchestra's avatar
Track 1 from China Prison Orchestra.
launched's avatar
Au Naturale! A song a friend of mine wrote. Performed by me, of course. All recorded on the Boss Micro BR. It's a song about sharing. Very rough, raw and unplugged. Kind of embarrassed to "share" it - Please excuse the mistakes and hacks! One…
launched's avatar
After I read into RPM and understood that anybody could take the challenge, I joined up. I'm starting with a clean slate, so I hope I can finish! This a WIP of the first tune I'm working on. Everything I do will be recorded/produced with the Boss…
Permanent Tourist's avatar
Told my crazy family sayonara.
Permanent Tourist's avatar
This song is the intro part of my epic: the sixteen numbered tracks are all part of one song and flow into one another without any pause.
all things invisible's avatar
[2010] Broken Teeth & Black Bones
all things invisible's avatar
[2010] Broken Teeth & Black Bones