c}{imps 8 my ears's listening history
A bit of fun for the holiday. This one features guest vocalist R.I.P otherwise known as the cheap battery powered talking tombstone
Several years ago I had a short lived duo with an oboe and English horn player named Nat. This is a demo from that period. It's an old old chord progression of mine that never really had a melody and Nat improvised this melody in the studio to…
Mining the archives a bit. This is an alternate take of my "Jimi Jam" from a couple of years ago. Live to 2 tracks with the Jamman. Really only sounds OK when cranked up loud enough that your eardrums threaten to meet in the middle. LOL!!
I'm a complete idiot when it comes to all things midi related. Recently got myself a midi keyboard though and came up with this short piece just messing with sounds in Proteus. Really looking forward to the possibilities of combining this sort…
Sitting around in my shop a couple of days ago with the Goodall and the Zoom H4N. First time I've really messed with using the internal mics on the H4N in multitrack mode
Overgrowth is a Indie game made by Indie Dev team Wolfire. check them, and their games, out at http://www.wolfire.com/
Overgrowth is the awesome predecessor to Lugaru, an alternative action fighter/ platformer game. The synopsis of Lugaru…
sorry about me being such a delay on uploads, i'm getting slower and slower because of lack of ideas and samples. I probably have like 3 or four songs that all use the same exact piano sampling...
Anyways, another love song type thing. Enjoy
Another sweet love song. I've been into love songs lately... I think it's cuz I got a new lady friend. nyehe. =3
I made this a little after having sex. I was in a state of pure.... something or other. and with that,came the inspiration for a crazy new hit. Hurah for human reproduction! XD
A soft melody with odd chord progressions. Enjoy. and PLEASE let me know of my downfalls so that I may better myself, critique is highly desired. Thanks