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octopus huudie

c}{imps 8 my ears

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zoozaza its all a brujaja ha hahahahahaha/
the bands width is not a cummerbund/ words to squeeze out the imperfect/ bright lites fandango oh so fun/ where is the allah/ messiah/ the jah?
as a species/ we fall to peaces/ our pretense, provoked, protest, a jest then arrest, iguess/ we recreate our planet to carbon dust/ fukked her dry/ shes bleeding oil, the turmoil/ really a must!!/ car as tampon/ it soaks the flow/ petrochemicals on the carrot, wheat, cancer it grows/ SO!
orgasm of gluttony/ you fill my butt for me/ i pooped a chute/ choo choo/ cack a lacka lacka

Guest said

This was definitely the single

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