Cody Tatman's listening history
this song was made on the archetype that a pop song is just an undulating wave. I used a sine cosine wave generator to create a wave about 2.5 sec long. with several crests and valleys. The wave line is very thin, and though technically as…
this song was made on the archetype that a pop song is just an undulating wave. I used a sine cosine wave generator to create a wave about 2.5 sec long. with several crests and valleys. The wave line is very thin, and though technically as…
song about what loneliness must feel like in a crowd. simple acc guitar loop. turbine whistle.
vocals, drum machine thingy. slow song. ooooh a cymbal! vocal effects!
it's been such a long time, since music was invented, such a short time, for the reign of techno!