EMO Adi's listening history
I went a little sample crazy this year for the RPM challenge. (This song is the tip of the iceberg, and then it gets far worse.)
Thematically, I guess this one resulted from spending a month between the hospital and a rehab facility last year…
Apparently there are 2 songs known as "Bambi Slaughter" by Nirvana. This is NOT a cover of the Fecal Matter demo, rather the solo acoustic Kurt did in the summer of 1987. It is also known as "Creation".
Heed a lover too
A desire…
Had this one written before the end of year. Finally hit the record button a couple of weeks ago with some electric rythym guitar tracks and built it from there. I was having a problem getting the song to mix right and had an idea to try a different…
Forgive the profanity but some times, I get very frustrated with people!
This song is probably, both musically and lyrically, the craziest thing I've ever done. There's a lot of threads that provoked it... the most important is the scriptural idea of the year of Jubilee... every 7 years all debts were forgiven, and…