coelocanth's listening history

jip's avatar
Don't know what to say about this. I fell out with God a while back, and still find the whole notion of a God pretty disturbing. So this song is something about how I relate to God now. No peace and unconditional love - more an insidious sense…
emperorfunband's avatar
hid my phone in the room where my 3 year old was playing and caught some audio- in it at one point he exclaims "obey the man!"... the "man" he was referring to was actually batman but I thought it would make a really funny reggae line- even if…
Tipu's avatar
or Press F3, if using ROM. (Haxx)
vaisvil's avatar
17 Dynes is an improvisation with a 17 note per octave electric guitar that was heavily modified in Melodyne Editor 2.0 DNA. A Dyne is a unit of measure for surface tension.
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
so thats ten songs on chimps, now to upload to hot wheels spaulding and lick lichens, twenty tracks all together, and the most interesting stuff.
kirklynch's avatar
Maybe I missed a career scoring for no budget spaghetti westerns, because this is what this reminds me of. Done live a couple weeks ago with the Taylor and a floor full of toys and loopers.
kirklynch's avatar
Maybe I missed a career scoring for no budget spaghetti westerns, because this is what this reminds me of. Done live a couple weeks ago with the Taylor and a floor full of toys and loopers.
vaisvil's avatar
just me, 12 string, zoom H2 - there have been better versions.
lsd25's avatar
How did someone figure out how to cook this stuff?
lsd25's avatar
Don't see them around much any more