coelocanth's listening history

Breaking Light's avatar
a live clip from a recent performance...
kavin.'s avatar
A not very cheerful Christmas song I wrote for the RPM Holiday Challenge. Based on the classic Arthur C. Clarke science fiction story "The Star". Light years out and an eternity back to…
kavin.'s avatar
for improvFriday D open tuned acoustic, live looping
kavin.'s avatar
Got the 12 string out of the shop today where it got a refret and much needed refurb. An improv to test it out. Recorded on the handheld R08.
kavin.'s avatar
Another 12 string improv. Capo 3rd fret, capo 5th fret except for top string and notched out for the b strings to attain an open C tuning, of sorts.
sheky's avatar
Product of noodling around. Lead guitars are a combo of UAD's Nigel plugin and the Fractal Axe Fx. Clean guitars are the Fractal. The outro guitars are my Princeton Recording amp. I played the piano's through my midi guitar and Axon. You can…
kavin.'s avatar
an improv on the Taylor.
Permanent Tourist's avatar
I've been thinking about lost time and if you can make up for it... LYRICS: Hey there How do you do? Allow me to introduce myself Before I think I knew you Wondered if you were doing well The things we left behind were never led astray…
Trevor Barnes's avatar
A new parody song that will be on my next album.
coelocanth's avatar
Several tracks mixed randomly, synth, apps, guitar. Bits you may have heard elsewhere.