coelocanth's listening history
Our favorite Christmas Carol, written by Wihla Hutson and Alfred S. Burt. We first heard Anna Maria Alberghetti sing it on one of those classic Firestone Christmas Collections back when we were kids. We sang it at our church's Christmas Eve…
This song is for the one I'll always love. The one who went away. My swan.
shard hopping...or hard shopping? either way, this little remix-expansion of Kavin's "shards" is one of 21 "duos" on an album I'm releasing next week @ bandcamp.
Watch out there coming and they are tooled up.....
Really wanted to try and learn what i would consider one of the best lead guitar solos of all time, recorded this in early 2010 and it's my effort at learning the solo. Hope you enjoy it.
A big chunk from the show last night. Edited out most spurious noises, but left mistakes intact. : >)
handheld cassette recorder, chimes, koto, filtered.