coelocanth's listening history
Our favorite Christmas Carol, written by Wihla Hutson and Alfred S. Burt. We first heard Anna Maria Alberghetti sing it on one of those classic Firestone Christmas Collections back when we were kids. We sang it at our church's Christmas Eve…
This was recorded starting in March of 2010 so I could experiment with some new recording software, and it eventually evolved into what you're hearing.
A basic surf tune inspired by, well, night surfing. I was going for a happy loneliness with…
Gary Thompson from the Music by Computer yahoo list (aka Johnny Pumphandle) remixed me version 2 of Sweeny's Agony - and blew me away - by toning down the volume he brought out a lot more soul in my opinion. I love it - and I hope you do too.
have a little cognitive dissonance, on me, merry christmas!
Well, here is a new version of this one. I was not playing my own guitar, but one of a friend, which doesn't sounds so bright. Anyway, i think this is a better interpretation, but still has some mistakes. (this time is well tuned..)
This song is for the one I'll always love. The one who went away. My swan.