Greg Connor's listening history

Greg Connor's avatar
There is a story behind this song. I'll leave it at that for now. _____________________________________ Moonlight shined through the trees in the woods A barred owl called and I understood Nocturnal presence flew silently by I tried…
Greg Connor's avatar
Co-Written with John Bennett. Look for more of John's music here: __________________________________ ALL I WANT IS YOU ©2022 by John Bennett and Greg Connor I’ll put it to you…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
A little celestial inspiration for this song.... I started it and Greg and Mark helped me finish it and then record around my kitchen table. Feel free to howl if you like it! Blood Wolf Moon VERSE 1 Blood wolf moon this January…
Greg Connor's avatar
Co-Written with John Bennett. Look for more of John's music here: __________________________________ ALL I WANT IS YOU ©2022 by John Bennett and Greg Connor I’ll put it to you…
slkrell's avatar
well hell here comes the SUN, RIGHT GEORGE
oldfolks2's avatar
Just a little ditty ....
oldfolks2's avatar
A no frills, one take little ditty .....
Greg Connor's avatar
Thanks to Robert Palomo for giving this a little sound engineering. Robert said " I mixed thru my mastering plugin (Ozone 5). WordsMightBethe Weapon ToCreateThePerfect Crime If I had a dollar for everything I done To help you through…
Greg Connor's avatar
Inspired by a couple of recent road trips.
Greg Connor's avatar
Here is my contribution to the latest song writing challenge offered by the Minnesota Songwriters. (Write a song using the topic: GLASS) Everyone is welcome to participate. __________________________________________ STAINED GLASS…