Greg Connor's listening history

Greg Connor's avatar
The circling of life The ability to find your way Like a compass in the night And the coming of another day It’s like when the stars align You’ve been given just a glimpse of truth And you think that you might find The Optimism held in…
Greg Connor's avatar
It's been a long time. Too many distractions and not enough time, or even focus to play lately. Somehow this song, "Higher Ground" squeaked out from some hidden place.
Greg Connor's avatar
Inspired at a "safe" distance by my friends on our Zoom song writing chats. _______________________________________ Lift Me Up © 2020 Gregory A Connor Rising tide, lift me up, let me float away This Safe harbor turned to mud, this…
Greg Connor's avatar
This song is a work in progress. I attended an online songwriting workshop hosted by Chad Shank (Minnesota Songwriters Association) who was talking about songs with varying length lines to create more of a conversational atmosphere and the use…
Greg Connor's avatar
I had myself a dream last night As I tossed and turned in bed The window was open wide The street noise jangled, in my head . I was dreaming of a better time It was all so clear to me Wind whistled through the pine trees…
Greg Connor's avatar
My wife Rita mentioned that she had not heard my dulcimer on any music recently, so I tuned it up and wrote First Morning Light. A little Low D Irish Whistle flavored it just a bit. _______________________________________ Fresh air through…
Greg Connor's avatar
It’s like floating down a river When you’re not quite in control That river’s going to take you Only where it wants to go So you reach out with conviction At debris along the way That river’s going to take you If you give up and say…
Greg Connor's avatar
What’s on your mind Are you losing confidence Someone’s been unkind And caring becomes a consequence Look for a reason to smile The Sun will shine your way Look for a reason to smile And watch the clouds drift away Feeling like you…
Greg Connor's avatar
Here is my latest Minnesota Homebrew Radio Challenge entry: Let's write scary or creepy songs for our October 29 show--songs that'll make our listeners' skin crawl! Submit by October 28 to: _________________________________…
Greg Connor's avatar
Here is my contribution to the Minnesota Association of Songwriters challenge: Write a song titled "Mississippi Moon" and use this chord progression somewhere in the song (adjust for the Key you are in) "C, G, Am, C, Dm" You will find D…