Greg Connor's listening history

Greg Connor's avatar
I had fun singing this at the open mic this past week. Originally written for a song writing challenge using the phrase *"Chicken Plucking Time In Petaluma"*
thetworegs's avatar
another Reg saga....will he or will he not find love this he on the wagon...has he fallen...what the hell is he up too this year....all will be revealed....... I WANT YOU GONE Baby i just don’t feel it i just don’t feel it no more…
Greg Connor's avatar
I had fun singing this at the open mic this past week. Originally written for a song writing challenge using the phrase *"Chicken Plucking Time In Petaluma"*
Norm's avatar
Based on a Yoruba Obàtálá pattern, which I hope Greg doesn't find underhanded. Congas and cowbell. 4/4 160bpm.
Greg Connor's avatar
I Can't Seem To Find My Way Home Featuring Norm on Percussion Track: "Pilón For A New Son" Lyrics: Searching for something I wonder and roam Hoping the truth Soon will be shown…
Greg Connor's avatar
I Can't Seem To Find My Way Home Featuring Norm on Percussion Track: "Pilón For A New Son" Lyrics: Searching for something I wonder and roam Hoping the truth Soon will be shown…
AwolHouse's avatar
Driven by madness to glory!
AwolHouse's avatar
I think the title pretty much covers the "short story" behind the sound of clarity. -Wrinkled Shirt
vaisvil's avatar
Phantasm777 on bass Me on guitar and vocals Steve on organ Moeshan on drums I hope this fixes the error a truly vintage recording - 1975 sometime...
Malcolm Worthy's avatar
A guitar snippet I recorded on my phone. I just put on some effects and called it a song.