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How to Assemble Your Android

Greg Connor

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Here is my contribution to Gene’s Challenge. Find it here:

How to Assemble Your Android

How to assemble your android
With pitfalls that you should avoid
Like send in the warranty card
Before the thing gets destroyed

Cause it’s not like training a puppy
It just ain’t the same at all
Cause the android just might give you pleasure
Probably wont come when you call

Make sure the parts fit together
With curves and sensual lines
With some place to plug in your hard drive
And sip on a glass of wine

So assemble for maximum pleasure
And make it good looking too
Cause if you’re assembling an android
There’s no date that’s waiting for you

launched's avatar
launched said

Yessah! Makes me think of Blade Runner for some reason... Excellent recording Greg!

Mamakato's avatar
Mamakato said

Singing's good, Greg!

Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

Looks like your How to Assemble has reached 100 plays, and all 5 Currently Kicking Ass tunes are STILL How to Assemble songs, but your is on top. Congrats -- I'd call that a hit, and you are once again "The Featured Artist" -- and that's a damn good choice!

Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Another beaut! Hilarious lyrics to boot. Love the cute ending. :)

Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

I've just listen to all of these on headphones, so I could hear every imperfection, and they're all GREAT -- clean, masterful, professional mix downs, everyone. I'm dealing with a bunch of clever artists who take recording a mixing serious, even when the title includes the word, "Android." You sound great on these phones, Greg. Everyone does. So many responses, all of them top notch production. I'm glad that I came up with this idea, that so many accepted the challenge, and I'm so tickled, pleased and proud to be associated with all this groovy talent! Rock on, everyone!

Guest said

Great job!!

Ron's avatar
Ron said

Not only are you talented and good looking...but funny too!!! lol great one it

Guest said

Rita says she's trading me in for a new one. *"This one is obviously defective"*

Guest said

haha… listening to all those old blues tune double entendres is impacting you. I'm still waiting for you to cover that Bo Carter song. I'll play harp on it! …gotta double fav this

Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

I keep trying to think what to comment, but all that comes to mind is BWAHAHA! :D

slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

I have so much to say but my tongue is stuck in my cheek

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Hilarious!!! And for awhile I thought you were singing about a phone!!!! Love it

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