Greg Connor's listening history

Greg Connor's avatar
There is a story behind this song. I'll leave it at that for now. _____________________________________ Moonlight shined through the trees in the woods A barred owl called and I understood Nocturnal presence flew silently by I tried…
Greg Connor's avatar
There is a story behind this song. I'll leave it at that for now. _____________________________________ Moonlight shined through the trees in the woods A barred owl called and I understood Nocturnal presence flew silently by I tried…
Greg Connor's avatar
There is a story behind this song. I'll leave it at that for now. _____________________________________ Moonlight shined through the trees in the woods A barred owl called and I understood Nocturnal presence flew silently by I tried…
Greg Connor's avatar
There is a story behind this song. I'll leave it at that for now. _____________________________________ Moonlight shined through the trees in the woods A barred owl called and I understood Nocturnal presence flew silently by I tried…
Greg Connor's avatar
There is a story behind this song. I'll leave it at that for now. _____________________________________ Moonlight shined through the trees in the woods A barred owl called and I understood Nocturnal presence flew silently by I tried…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Here's the second song I recently decided to do with a studio recording from one I wrote and posted here a while ago as a purely vocal version. It's one of my favorites.... I hope you'll enjoy it too Singing In The Silence Verse 1: Singing…
Robert Palomo's avatar
After Greg Connor wrote this for me a while back, I kept listening to it every time I was feeling tired of winter, which at this time of year is several times a day. Somehow every time I listened to it, it reminded me of my dad. I know he would…
Robert Palomo's avatar
I was just experimenting with a new arrangement for my cheap condenser mics to try to get better acoustic instrument sound. I think I got on to something I like better. Anyway, fooling around with it, and with this traditional sea shanty (and…
Nick P's avatar
Once again, Greg Connor has kindly added his wonderful harmonica and Dobro to this song. Thanks so much, Greg! Mean Streak Blues is a song about how wrongly we could deal with frustration....enjoy listening Lyrics: Dogs bark all night My…
Nick P's avatar
A BIG, BIG thank you to Wildgeas who took my simple acoustic guitar song and turned it into a beautiful work of art. Arrangements and Production done magnificently by Paul Lennon (Wildgeas). Also, special thank you to Bethan who put her sweet…