{Cosmik Trip}'s listening history

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was watching the ladies on the dance floor then suddenly one took his eye.................................a bit of noodle that turned into something........
laupaneex's avatar
The original track was done by Underwildlife, and then I did the vocal arrangements. Cross-country collaboration, yee haw!
Drop D's avatar
Okay...it's still a sloppy mess...but that's what you get when you have earthquakes, a new-born baby, a nuclear disaster, broken bones in your hand and a whole-lotta "uuuuuuuuuuurgh!" to get out of your system. Somedays, you just gotta play in…
vaisvil's avatar
I found this vocal in my phone mailbox. Not sure who Reg was calling but I'll take advantage of the wrong number he dialed :-)
{Cosmik Trip}'s avatar