Dirty Spirits's listening history

The Daniel Parkhill Project's avatar
Sooner or later, you just don't care.
The Daniel Parkhill Project's avatar
My attempt at being the male version of Sister Savage. I apologize in advance if you think it sucks. As requested, the lyrics... "She" Lyrics and Music by Daniel Parkhill She's ripped the fabric of my world with harsh intention. She…
The Daniel Parkhill Project's avatar
If you're a businessman or a politician, mosh to this song.
The Daniel Parkhill Project's avatar
The anthem of my musical career. I'm joking. I hope.
The Daniel Parkhill Project's avatar
Relate if you can. Rock your ass off if you can't.
The Daniel Parkhill Project's avatar
This is what happens when you try to write a love song at 2AM for someone who doesn't exist.
The Daniel Parkhill Project's avatar
Aren't you? As requested, here are the lyrics... "Homeless" Lyrics and Music by Daniel Parkhill As I walk around downtown, and I see city drown around me, I wonder how this happens to someone like you and me. This city has a way of…
The Daniel Parkhill Project's avatar
I lived through a tornado. In a car. I don't recommend it.
The Daniel Parkhill Project's avatar
Professions fall into one's lap like a leaf in the fall.
Gumbo's avatar
Cave Street posted a track recently, their contribution to the Woody Guthrie Project, organised by Akron Family. http://akronfamily.com/woodyproject/W.G.A..html I wanted to take a shot at this too, so here's my demo. It was really just half…