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I was talking to someone about "sus" chords and decided to use as many as I could. The theme of the song came naturally.
I can remember what my mother told me many years ago
There’s a cloud that follows me everywhere I go
She said it…
Note: new mix uploaded. Hard-panned guitars were overwhelming on mono speaker setups.
Been around enough to see
The people standing over me
Go from wearing suits and ties
To anything that they desire
I have much experience
To know when…
Trying to get something out of my trash-picked drum kit and my $11 ukulele from Lidl. I will probably not spend any more time on this. This is a song about a problem that many of us have faced but rarely talk about.
Too many bags in my bag…
Broke out my antique TR-707 for this, needed that basketball-on-asphalt kick drum sound. Nicely forces everything into 8-bar chunks but kinda forced me to do a fadeout. I think I managed a decent "bridge" on this.
I met a mighty…
I like the word "Shellac" so I made a song about shellac, that's it. For this one I decided to play my old broken trash-picked drum kit instead of using MIDI drums. I spent about a week trying to fix that snare and if anything it sounds worse…
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I was talking to someone about "sus" chords and decided to use as many as I could. The theme of the song came naturally.
I can remember what my mother told me many years ago
There’s a cloud that follows me everywhere I go
She said it…
Note: new mix uploaded. Hard-panned guitars were overwhelming on mono speaker setups.
Been around enough to see
The people standing over me
Go from wearing suits and ties
To anything that they desire
I have much experience
To know when…
Song 8 for my 2025 RPM Challenge. Experimented with my very old Bass...that doesn't keep its tune very well! Onward I say. Thanks for anyone out there who listens - much appreciated xoox
I don’t want to suffer
I don’t want to cry
I don’t…
Trying to get something out of my trash-picked drum kit and my $11 ukulele from Lidl. I will probably not spend any more time on this. This is a song about a problem that many of us have faced but rarely talk about.
Too many bags in my bag…
Most Popular
A song about the popular tile-laying game:
You flip a tile off the stack and then you spin it
We give you lots of good advice
You finally put it down and put a meeple in it
A song about the old-time Avalon Hill wargame:
I was born to lead a Blitzkrieg
Cardboard armies everywhere
The land is covered with a grid of hexagons
That will henceforth be called…
Recent Favorites
Song 8 for my 2025 RPM Challenge. Experimented with my very old Bass...that doesn't keep its tune very well! Onward I say. Thanks for anyone out there who listens - much appreciated xoox
I don’t want to suffer
I don’t want to cry
I don’t…
3rd Song for my RPM challenge. Went back to my piano and kept it minimal. I love singing harmonies (grew up listening to CSNY). Thanks to anyone who listens xox
Did you get lost in the sea
Were you searching for pieces of me
First Day of the 2024 RPM challenge .... so here is Song 1
I'm experimenting with my old analogue synth (Prophet 6) this year
Thanks to anyone who listens! A gloomy song for gloomy times. Onward!
One day
You’ll find
It’s over, it’s over…
It's summer time, I'm at a cottage, I've been listening to a lot of weird electronic music and thinking about the world burning up. I'm playing around with layering vocals - something I love. Thanks to anyone who listens even for a few seconds…
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Note: new mix uploaded. Hard-panned guitars were overwhelming on mono speaker setups.
Been around enough to see
The people standing over me
Go from wearing suits and ties
To anything that they desire
I have much experience
To know when…
Ricia Rae
That's a fun one! Important to lose some control .....lots of benefits. Great guitar solo there too.
It's been brought to my attention that the component mineral is MOGANITE, not Morganite. Please delete me.
You wouldn't think it just to look at you
Empirical formula is nothing but SiO2
Iron oxide…
Wohl eher Karma gehen 😄
If you don't love Vanadinite as much as I do, something is wrong with you.
Mhhhhhh. Gar nicht mal so gut!
Not Bad Not good
Very likely the last song I will ever record. I wanted to do something a little different.
Üben üben üben!
Old Fart.
Part of the duo named The Overdose with Olivia Winthrop.
from Swarthmore, PA
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159 tracks