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Bag Bag


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Trying to get something out of my trash-picked drum kit and my $11 ukulele from Lidl. I will probably not spend any more time on this. This is a song about a problem that many of us have faced but rarely talk about.

Too many bags in my bag of bags
My bag bag runneth over

Another bag in my bag of bags
My bag bag just might sunder

So many bags that my bag bag wouldn’t hold
So many bags that my bag bag wouldn’t hold

The grocery store will give me bags
My groceries are in order

I put the bags in my bag of bags
Preventing their disorder

So many bags that my bag bag wouldn’t hold
So many bags that my bag bag wouldn’t hold

I give away a bag of bags
To those who are forbidden

To give away forbidden bags
The transfer must be hidden

So many bags that my bag bag wouldn’t hold
So many bags that my bag bag wouldn’t hold

Much wah

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