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Oh! Susannite


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Very likely the last song I will ever record. I wanted to do something a little different.

Guest said

Üben üben üben!

Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

Last song? Ever?? The hell you say! No way man, this has a great riff, funky bass, vocal harmonies. You need to put together a band and bring this stuff into a live setting!

Ricia Rae's avatar
Ricia Rae said

That guitar opening caught my attention right away. I love the harmonies too...beautiful. Well done Dweeb. btw...I'm so impressed with your longstanding RPM participation (very inspiring...thank you). Of course, I would always like to hear more (but you have already given so much). Enjoy a good rest (creative work can take it out of us). Ohh....nice ending on this song too......!!!

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