cuthbert's listening history

Al's left hand's avatar
(um, what the title says)
thetworegs's avatar
Reg has decided he needs to lose it tonight he doesn't care if that is with drink with sex with drugs in his mind or down the road he just wants to get lost".."..........
thetworegs's avatar
Reg had sat listening to the Wrinkled Shirts track and decided it was time to tell you the story of how he found his Mojo. it was a time way back when, to far back to remember. when he was just a young man. when he had decided to fast-forward…
thetworegs's avatar
The world seemed different from the front seat up-stairs on the Double Decker Blue ............ an experience with a Blue Bus
thetworegs's avatar
Reg has realized the fun is over and the door has been closed so it must be time to come down. There is always tomorrow.................
thetworegs's avatar
Reg had sat listening to the Wrinkled Shirts track and decided it was time to tell you the story of how he found his Mojo. it was a time way back when, to far back to remember. when he was just a young man. when he had decided to fast-forward…
thetworegs's avatar
Reg decided to check on the perimeter and suddenly realised he was the only one out there and he was all alone.........
thetworegs's avatar
The world seemed different from the front seat up-stairs on the Double Decker Blue ............ an experience with a Blue Bus
henwrench's avatar
I want you to fling my ashes into the face of the person who annoyed me last....
henwrench's avatar