Glenn Murawski's listening history

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Glenn Murawski's avatar
sets a pensive mood for the album
Glenn Murawski's avatar
intro to the album
Glenn Murawski's avatar
Track 2 from The Wait EP. Had a little fun with this melody. The instruments are bass, guitar, drums with some flute and strings towards the end.
Robert Palomo's avatar
Another rendition of this great piano song recorded with some new virtual piano software that kicks serious butt. Compare this to the other version where I used the Grand Piano in GarageBand. It's OK for some things but it's not the piano you…
Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
I imagine this music playing in a bar sometime in the future, probably in the background while cybernetic bar patrons interface with one another in full view of the world's sensor network.
Gary Fox's avatar
Nothing like the sound of a strat through that classic "brown" sound. Gritty, driving, crunchy, lovely tones...This is my welcome back, did you miss me, RPM 2008 opening track.
Gary Fox's avatar
Turn this one up REALLY FREAKING LOUD! Written, recorded and polished off in about 45 minutes or so. Clearly my British influence shines forth in this one, right down to the SG through a Vox amp tones and backward riffs here and there. (and…
Gary Fox's avatar
I used to play a lot more funk. This is kind of funk, but it was enough to bring back my love of the groove. ;)