Robert Palomo
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I was just experimenting with a new arrangement for my cheap condenser mics to try to get better acoustic instrument sound. I think I got on to something I like better. Anyway, fooling around with it, and with this traditional sea shanty (and…
Just something I've been working on for an audio production course. Very early Stan, and as far as I know the only track to feature a banjo.
It's the story of a tragic shipwreck that also says 'tis an ill wind as blow no one any good!
While wiring up a new FX processor in my studio I was messing around with this classic traditional sea shanty. Probably because at this time last week I was playing at the Harwich (UK) International Sea Shanty Festival. Anyway, while messing around…
It has long been the role of the troubadour to challenge and lampoon Authority through music. This is one such piece, written following a speech by the U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), in which he spoke of African slaves…
Ahoy, shipmates, it's that there time of year again, when yer ready to hang over the lee rail on account of all them insipid Christmas songs they've been blatting at you everywhere you turn ever since Halloween, if not before.
Well, I've got…
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There is a story behind this song. I'll leave it at that for now.
Moonlight shined through the trees in the woods
A barred owl called and I understood
Nocturnal presence flew silently by
I tried…
After Greg Connor wrote this for me a while back, I kept listening to it every time I was feeling tired of winter, which at this time of year is several times a day. Somehow every time I listened to it, it reminded me of my dad. I know he would…
I was just experimenting with a new arrangement for my cheap condenser mics to try to get better acoustic instrument sound. I think I got on to something I like better. Anyway, fooling around with it, and with this traditional sea shanty (and…
Minnesota Homebrew Radio Show Song Writing Challenge!
The topic for this Month is "Fall"
This is my contribution to the Song Writing Challenge: Write a song about "First Date".
Written for Minnesota Homebrew Radio Show / Pioneer Radio 90.1 Thief River Falls.
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We showed such promise when we were younger. Now look at us.
Performed with National Baritone Guitar, Martin D-28, Morris Mandolin and Hohner EchoHarp.
D Down at the station Em waiting for a train,
G Try to find a brand new start D leave behind the A pain
Another tune about an inappropriate school teacher
Well here's my contribution to the Pirate challenge from Robert Palomo. I think you'll agree it was time to call it a night on this one, but it was a lot of fun writing and recording it! Hope it gives you a chuckle or two.
Why Do Parrots…
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After Greg Connor wrote this for me a while back, I kept listening to it every time I was feeling tired of winter, which at this time of year is several times a day. Somehow every time I listened to it, it reminded me of my dad. I know he would…
Uploaded just in time for the 2013 peak of the Perseid meteor showers of 2013, which I definitely won't see, as our autumnal "maritime" (i.e. sh**ty) climate is doing its thing.
This is my arrangement of a wonderful romantic tune by the inimitable…
After Greg Connor wrote this for me a while back, I kept listening to it every time I was feeling tired of winter, which at this time of year is several times a day. Somehow every time I listened to it, it reminded me of my dad. I know he would…
I was just experimenting with a new arrangement for my cheap condenser mics to try to get better acoustic instrument sound. I think I got on to something I like better. Anyway, fooling around with it, and with this traditional sea shanty (and…
I was just experimenting with a new arrangement for my cheap condenser mics to try to get better acoustic instrument sound. I think I got on to something I like better. Anyway, fooling around with it, and with this traditional sea shanty (and…
Greg Connor
Beautiful !!! Whatever you are doing, it sounds fantastic. Listening to your lyrics . . . . I think I'd like to meet these Cape Cod Girls.
I am an American of Hispanic descent living in Russia playing and writing music that often involves the banjo, an instrument of African origin.
It doesn’t get much weirder than that, folks!
Styles include Americana, folk, and bluegrass, with influences from lots of things. And there’s often a banjo in there somewhere, though not necessarily yer grandad’s hillbilly sort of banjo.
Lately my focus has been on creating original maritime folk music after the style of traditional songs, but with my own variety of salt added.
from St. Petersburg, RU
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