dAb's listening history

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This track is the result of putting Kavin's latest, wonderful, guitar piece [Poor Boy](http://alonetone.com/kavin/tracks/poor-boy) through my Steve Reich style phase shifting looper. I used two loopers here. One playing at normal speed and…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
This track is the result of putting Kavin's excellent track [Propitiation](http://alonetone.com/kavin/tracks/propitiation) through my Steve Reich style phased looper. It's a beautiful piece but also quite a sparse sound which lead me to think…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
I've been listening to the output of my *Reichenbach* Reaktor ensemble all morning as it loops and phase shifts a recording of Erik Satie's solo piano piece Gnossiennes-1 I find it to be quite beautiful and entrancing and I decided to render…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
I read about the technique, used by Steve Reich, of playing multiple copies of the same audio at different speed to create phase differences. I decided to do a little experiment and built myself a Reaktor ensemble using 3 granular sampler units…
Synaptic Disturbance's avatar
If the synth intro doesn't do anything for you, just wait about two minutes for the main part of the song to start. Uses two Creative Commons samples from freesound.org: 2523 RHumphries rbh thunder storm 2524 RHumphries rbh thunder 02
Synaptic Disturbance's avatar
Track three from the 2010 RPM album "They Are Killers"
dougsparling's avatar
Written and Recorded: Feb 14, 2010 Details: Epiphone Les Paul (DADGAD), Seymour Duncan Pickups, POD XT, Boss RC-20 Looper, EBow, Audacity...all fingers, no picks.
Freddie Freelance's avatar
A little backwards drum bit, topped with the same drup bit run through various effects.
Dave Berry's avatar
A folky ballad about the trials and tribulations that happen during home recording, in this particular case using a Boss microBR. ********************************************* Let me tell you all a story, most of it is true, a strange and twisted…
dougsparling's avatar
Written and Recorded: Feb 14, 2010 Details: Epiphone Les Paul (DADGAD), Seymour Duncan Pickups, POD XT, Boss RC-20 Looper, EBow, Audacity...all fingers, no picks.