Djörk's listening history

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
A poem by Wilfred Owen. "Dulce est decorum est, pro patria mori" Recited in remembrance by ORH. Music by OsCKilO. 11/11/11
kirklynch's avatar
I found a cassette tape the other day from 1991 which turned out to be live to 2 track demos that Scartaglen did in the studio in preparation for our 3rd and (as it turned out) final album. This tune didn't make the cut for the record but I always…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
For Smoking Joe... Wondered what might be fitting. Thought some music to train to may be appropriate.
epimeison's avatar order to.......?
Breaking Light's avatar
A drone piece, recorded during equipment check for a live perf. A room recording, stereo amp setup.
stoman's avatar
A nice little pop ballad. This is the 2012 remix. The mix concept is pretty much the same as in the old version (although I did not listen to the old version before I started mixing the new one), but the new version sounds a little smoother and…
epimeison's avatar
Self-alienated sounds at night.
richardlaceves's avatar