Djörk's listening history
The text on this track comes off a B-side from one of [Putnam Aldrich's]( (my great-grandfather) records. He was a harpsichordist, a professor at Stanford, a chain smoker, and apparently had a sense…
Long car rides through the corn.
Leave me angry and torn.
And my lap covered in ashes.
I drive through small towns.
With my windows down.
Dreaming of fatal car crashes.
Somehow I can't decide what to do with the night.
Cursing at…
Electric blues. Recorded 2007. I was learning how to use my DAW and trying to figure out how a one-man-band could get to sound like a bunch of old bluesers in a sweaty bar...
**Rabbit Boy - A A J Russe**
Well she don't mind crying…
New one from me. It's ended up as a bit of a "crying into yer beer at Bob's Country Bunker" sort of song lol...
I've been sat on these lyrics in some form or another for absolutely years. I first wrote them one very dark night a few years after…
A song about my wife. Recorded 2005.
I'd just taught myself how to play piano (badly).
I'd always wanted to be Freddie Mercury when I was younger... still got a bit of a ways to go.
**Now It's Done - A A J Russe**
I said it…
Lyrics: Grant D. McLeman
Vocals: Domenico Mercurio (Mimmo)
Composed, arranged & mixed by Steffen Offermann
Like "Wish" this song was an attempt by me to put a free-form poem by Grant…
I had this tune in my head for years before I finally sat down and recorded a quick draft of it. I would like to record this with real instruments (acoustic guitar + electric lead guitar).
Anybody interested in helping me?
This one's for Johnny, who encouraged me to record this country-ish version, it's one-take, warts and all.