Djörk's listening history

Tyler Walker's avatar
Admittedly rushed out for the holidays, here's a 5 song EP of techno christmasness. By next year, it'll be a full record with lots more sleigh bells and sirens.
Tyler Walker's avatar
Admittedly rushed out for the holidays, here's a 5 song EP of techno christmasness. By next year, it'll be a full record with lots more sleigh bells and sirens.
Tyler Walker's avatar
Admittedly rushed out for the holidays, here's a 5 song EP of techno christmasness. By next year, it'll be a full record with lots more sleigh bells and sirens.
Tyler Walker's avatar
Admittedly rushed out for the holidays, here's a 5 song EP of techno christmasness. By next year, it'll be a full record with lots more sleigh bells and sirens.
Tyler Walker's avatar
Admittedly rushed out for the holidays, here's a 5 song EP of techno christmasness. By next year, it'll be a full record with lots more sleigh bells and sirens.
vaisvil's avatar
Percussion = Norm Guitar = Rick Vox = Emily Bass = Chris We started with this which came from this I hope you both…
epimeison's avatar
Well, this is a blues I've composed about ten years ago, just before I stopped playing guitar untill now. I hope you like and/or enjoy it.
epimeison's avatar
This is a composition from July's '96, and it could be said that it belongs to a period in which i was listening to, and composing, in a kind of 'baroque' style, very influenced by J. S. Bach. I hope you like and/or enjoy it.
epimeison's avatar
A Pink Floyd's classic.
epimeison's avatar
Pink Floyd song, updated. I hope you enjoy this one.