Djörk's listening history

JR James's avatar
billy boy where did you go sittin in a pile of snow come on down its gettin cold for the time is getting old well we made our way to the old wigwam frozen lake and wind was calm standing bow did strike a deer to feed the tribe…
thetworegs's avatar
I have found some old Tapes of Reg's Great Grandfather old Blind Melon Reg who emigrated back to Sheffield from the states in the early 40's to fight for king and country these are the lost tapes of him playing live at the cellar from way back…
coelocanth's avatar
Movement To Contact's avatar
Warming up on this friday evening and watching too much NOVA on PBS...
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Lead guitar, Vocals, Percussion - Tharek Piano, Bass, Rhythm Guitar - Mike Fife Alive For the first time I see past the space behind my eyes At once, Arise Before All was in sight As light took up less space in our minds For now, Again Buried…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Improv lead over some random home grown acoustic looping. Bass bumpin' old west style.
Movement To Contact's avatar
Improv lead over some random home grown acoustic looping. Bass bumpin' old west style.
Breaking Light's avatar
Mr Sandbags's avatar
An arrangement of chords, arpeggiated, and lightly drizzled with effects.