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Midnight Flight

Dave Berry

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Kenny B (from Soundcrafters): bass, drum programming
Dave Berry: synth, Electric guitar, lyrics/vocals

Midnight, I’m all alone now
Think I’ll put on my dancing shoes
Catch a ride up to the downtown
The night is young, I’ve got nothing to loose
Spot a girl, ask what her name is
She smiles at me as we hit the floor
I close my eyes, the room starts a-spinning
The fog lifts and I can see the distant shore

Sitting on this barroom stool
The whole world is passing by
You and me the only ones that matter
With you beside me I know I can fly
I feel a rumble, the ground starts a-shaking
How did I find you on such a night
The end of the world is really just beginning
You grab my hand and we take flight

Looking down upon the city
Higher and higher up into the sky
People wave as we look upon them
They could join us if they only try
The suns rays peering over the horizon
Midnight to morning in the blink of an eye
Time to come down, face the grey dawn
With you beside me I know I can try

lgh's avatar
lgh said

Dig this track. Stellar bass, and Dave this is some of your best vox work yet.... Awesome collab guys! Piepod LG

Guest said

Very cool!

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Thats some cracking bass and drums Kenny....great lyrics and vocal Dave...digging the crazy guitar and !!! what a beautiful bit of ooooh Yeaaah!!! ooooh Yeaaaaaaaah!!!!for that alone.......... Brilliant Collab

Guest said

Midnight just starts for me. awesome.

Guest said

Gritty and exciting! Great collab!

epimeison's avatar
epimeison said

Very nice, Dave!

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