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N.O.P.D. Blues


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The darkest hours of New Orleans during the 2005 Hurricane Katrina flooding catastrophe, as reflected in N.O. area police radio communications, scanned and streamed to Internet in real time by an unknown local contributor. Dark experimental ambient.

Doc's avatar
Doc said

@captgene: Huh, that must have been like living in a war zone! Glad you made through the ordeal in one piece! Thanks for the comment and all the best. - Doc

Guest said

Cool tune which brings back some memory's of 2004 here in Florida. My home was hit by 3 hurricanes in a month and all the eye walls crossed a mile from my house. They called it ground zero zone here where I live . Pretty much no electric for 40 days. But some cool hurricane parties.I know how to live off the land now.

Guest said

oooh yeah!

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