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Anthem (Demo)

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Written and recorded in 2006 (I think). Another I hesitated to upload since it’s so sloppy, but I am filing it under For the Sake of Posterity…Don’t remember much, but I think I was using an Ibanez Artist semi-hollow body guitar, PodXT, ’70s Ludwig Super Sensitive snare drum (played on the snare head), and a crappy old Yamaha keyboard for the bass and bass drum.

Lesson to be learned - if you use a click track, make sure it has a solid rhythm and you can hear it. I used a cheesy beat from the Yamaha keyboard and it ended up being a horrible click track, and hence, I had a hard time syncing everything up. Once of those I might rerecord some day…For some reason I think of Third Rock From the Sun, except if it sucked…

Guest said

the movie is missing !

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

That's really fun. I'm thinking you listened to the sensational Alex Harvey band sometime!

Guest said

:-) I was just going to say, 'Hey, anthemic!'

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Figures. I'm the one who digs the crappy old Yamaha.
