DrumJunky's listening history
This track is an idea that stands out among the sea of bad ideas that come out of my head. This is one idea, this isn't a clip of a whole song. Let me know what you think!
Okay so I enjoyed doing Glubotism1 enough that I thought I'd take a second crack at it. Same tools but took a different approach to how I used Stylus RMX and I introduced some of it's built-in effects on some of the parts. Also I bused RMX and…
Another song in the key of Glu.
I know I called the theme was [glubot for a day](http://alonetone.com/forums/togethertone/topics/glubot-for-a-day).
Maybe glubot for a week?
Originally conceived as a mellow-ish, Stephen Stills sounding number (at least the verses), then the chorus came to me out of nowhere and turned the whole song on it's ear. I think that was for the better. I have to admit that I surprised myself…
My cover of Gumbo Stu's (Stuart Walker) Blind In One Eye. Originally on his 2009 RPM Challenge Album, and available here on alonetone. Thanks Stu!
more bioelectrophilia... titi monkeys, sakis, toucans...