Erik Spangler's listening history

another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide's avatar
Well, there was this Spectrasonics contest... and songs had to be submitted by June 30th... so we finally started working on this one on the evening of the 29th. Yeah. We procrastinate.
another cultural landslide's avatar
This is the basic theme for "weekend in new orleans", a documentary we're currently writing the soundtrack for (it'll be adapted with variations throughout the film). It's very quiet. (Video trailer coming shortly.)
another cultural landslide's avatar
Erik Spangler's avatar
I recorded this short solo vocal with a minidisc recorder while up in a tree. This is a one-take, one-track recording (with lots of delay added, to be sure). The bird you hear was actually accompanying me at the time. A later, expanded version…
Erik Spangler's avatar
I recorded this short piece on guitar for my friend Andy Hulse's 2003 film "High Lonesome". This part is for a driving scene with no dialogue. Early morning in a southwestern Texas landscape.
Erik Spangler's avatar
Performed by my wife, Marie Rinkoski, on clarinet. Recorded in the woods around Ithaca NY, and layered with some scratchy vinyl pops. This clarinet melody is the introduction to a song I wrote on one of Pablo Neruda's Sonnets.
Erik Spangler's avatar
A meditative space for guitar, harp, vibraphone, english horn, french horn, viola, cello, and double bass, from my large work "Mandala of the Four Directions" (2004).
glu's avatar
This tune was made with a single sample of some oropendolas feeding on capotroche.
Ross Spencer's avatar