Erik Spangler's listening history

glu's avatar
I recorded this ocelot while it was in a trap. There are several traps set up here at the research station to catch mammals so that they can be radio-collared for research. I am currently working on a tune made entirely with this sample- stay tuned!
andy hentz's avatar
another cultural landslide's avatar
diegesisfreak's avatar
Sub6's avatar
Erik Spangler's avatar
This is another track resulting from a project in my digital music class at Oasis Charter Middle School (Spring 2007). Using a common pool of objects, my newborn daughter's baby instruments, I asked the students to create episodic sound illustrations…
Oh My Goodness's avatar
Erik Spangler's avatar
This is another track resulting from a project in my digital music class at Oasis Charter Middle School (Spring 2007). Using a common pool of objects, my newborn daughter's baby instruments, I asked the students to create episodic sound illustrations…
Erik Spangler's avatar
This is another song that came out of my year teaching at MATHS Charter School in the Baltimore City Public School System. Sewella Barnes was one of my students who would come after school to record after school, even when she was no longer taking…
Erik Spangler's avatar
This is another song that came out of my year teaching at MATHS Charter School in the Baltimore City Public School System. Sewella Barnes was one of my students who would come after school to record after school, even when she was no longer taking…