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more bioelectrophilia... titi monkeys, sakis, toucans...
100% field recordings of animals from SE Peruvian Amazon, Madre De Dios region. If this is your first bioelectrophilia experience, check out the album I made while I
Was there this past summer:
KICK SNARE AND HI HAT are from my limited one-shot sample collection on this computer. The rest of these sounds are samples of mosquitoes. They basically fly around my short shotgun mic while I try to record saki monkey vocalizations. I figured…
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This is a composition that uses indeterminacy with respect to pitch (and instruments but since this is one recording that doesn't apply). However, all of the other musical elements are controlled. This performance occurred at the Praxis Xenharmonic…
I stumbled across a sample I took of a cd skipping, which is the base rhythm/pulse track for this.
Johnny Stones fabulous tune was playing on the juke-box in the cellar last night and Robert got up to do his thing but Reg told him to step down and let him have a go.Reg took over proceedings and blew everyone away down the cellar with his take…
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from Albuquerque, United States
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