Erik Spangler's listening history

mmi's avatar
This is a track that I started and glu finished (more like knocked out of the park).
mmi's avatar
Started off with me just goofing around with Battery and a couple of other NI things (which are new to me) and grew into this... It may still have places to go.
mmi's avatar
A 30 minute track (creation time). Went for dinner with friends that were having trouble getting along. They were in my thoughts whilst I put this together.
mmi's avatar
Today I gave a quickie demo of Live to my guitar instructor. I started with an empty set and threw some crap at the wall just to show him one of the work flows. Later, when I brought the thing home I couldn't leave well enough alone and started…
mmi's avatar
A long meditation/wank. This weeks guitar lesson we started looking at melodic minor modes. I went home and started practicing scales. Wasn't long before I got stuck on Dorian flat 2. So I fired up the looper and recorded a session. Funny…
Modern Medicine's avatar
Project 1 - live field recordings manipulated into some kind of cohesive state.
alexbeats's avatar
From Alex B's Beat Tape Volume 1
glu's avatar
Left over audio from "How to Glu" This one is about power and resistence.. which I find to be quite sexy when I think about it. Instrumentation: distorted and clean acoustic guitar, swords, tabla, synth, drum programming, clapping, vocals.
Golden Nose's avatar
Logic 9 - using samples from "8.5" and "8.8" by Supersilent, as well as some drum sounds from "No One Gives A Hoot About Faux-Ass Nonsense" by Don Caballero
cruncheeliquid's avatar