Dweeb's listening history

Dweeb's avatar
This one seems to be a favorite among my friends. Maybe it hits close to home.
thetworegs's avatar
Reg has finally brought Bon round and he wants to get straight up and sing............Reg cant stop him ...Well, who can stop a man who's been on the shine... the only problem is that he is blind and he couldn't see the controls on the amp…
thetworegs's avatar
Louis was back in the cellar last night and he was telling Reg how Blue he was and they got to jamming...............This morning i arrived at the cellar to find Bon was passed out in the corner....Dave was right with his guess....He could never…
thetworegs's avatar
Who should come down the cellar to see Elvis but Bon Scott. Reg got on with him like a house on fire, i mean they have a lot in common. Reg told him all about his new love. S o they decided to jam and this is what they came up with…
thetworegs's avatar
While Reg was travelling the country he met an old Indian gentleman called Abdul Aziz in a newsagents in the city of Bradford in the North of England while buying his morning paper. Reg struck up a conversation with the old man and they got on…
thetworegs's avatar
My contribution for Johnny with Norms excellent percussion. I've given it a bit of an Indian twist.......
thetworegs's avatar
The darkness has come to haunt Reg again..... The Darkness comes again Disbeliever what is your name Your calling out from the dark again I hear your words but there not what they say in my mind there as clear as mud The trodden…
thetworegs's avatar
Reg was reading the paper today about the Spandex vigilante. Now Reg has got himself sorted becoming a superhero appeals to him. Ummmm about the suit i think it should be Blue to match my eyes with a large TTR motif of some sort on the chest in…
thetworegs's avatar
Reg has just had a moment he doesn't mean it, he was in the bar entertaining the leeches his fellow companions on his shadow of a life and he became depressed at his situation and struck out but he doesn't mean he would be lost without his companions…
thetworegs's avatar
Reg was positive that she was the one until he had chat with Norm who said "Be careful remember Desirea" Norm was only trying to help but it has put doubt in Reg's mind and now hes not sure what he wants...........................thought i'd do…