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Settlers of Catan


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Now appearing in the movie “Going Cardboard: A Boardgame Documentary”. See

A song about a classic boardgame:


You find a table and put 19 hexes down
You put the water and the other port hexes ‘round
Place the numbers then place everyone’s roads and towns
Looks like you are ready for playin’


Settlers of Catan
Settlers of Catan
Please don’t roll a seven ’cause if you do then half my cards are gone.

A pair of dice will decide just what you reap
Brick or stone, lumber, wheat or sheep
You make a trade then build or maybe keep
That’s how you go about playin’


The longest road will finally be mine
The largest army would also be just fine
A couple points and I’ll win the game this time
Just can’t stop me from playin’


Guest said

This song is legit awesome and DAVE IS THE MAN!!!

Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

Love this tune, Zack was just talking about wanting to get a copy of this game Dave.... which online game vendor do you recommend? Also, please post the Whackbirds album next!!!

Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

A very fine song...Dweeb, I dig your sound!

launched's avatar
launched said

Yes - I love it.

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