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Blue Season

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Not too happy with it, and I am not sure I would have even kept it except I kinda like The Bridge. Bad mic choices, but I didn’t think it was worth going back to re-record everything

Having trouble getting up from on the couch
Sliding down again, always with a slouch

Forgetting any reason for the morning to begin
Turn and going back to bed again -

Finally remember that I have a daily job
Finally I show up just looking like a slob

Nobody will notice, similar in mood
Everybody similar subdued -

Blue season blue season
This time of the year
No reason no reason
But a tear

No excited feeling when the workday is at end
Not a single reason to call on any friend

Goin home to sit around in front of the TV
Nobody around it’s only me -

Ordering a pizza just because I can’t decide
Have the driver leave it my face will always hide

Stuff it in my face without a single bit of joy
Cooking only makes me feel annoyed -

Feeling fried, feel dead inside
Maybe I’m more yellow than blue

Go outside, back in to hide
Wish I was hiding with you

Honk tweet wheedle

Watching a commercial for a drug to lift my mood
Prescription plan won’t cover it, it seems a little rude

Wallowing in sorrow for another day or two
The doctor says I never follow through -

Advice that I am given says to focus on the best
Thinking of the positive forgetting all the rest

It never works for me because I see it as it is
A product of my own analysis

Ricia Rae's avatar
Ricia Rae said

Wait, I like this! Really great lyrics and has a great flow and chord changes. Yup, that bridge is really nice. We are too close to judge when it is our own. But yeah, I've spend more time on songs I've hated trying to get them to work than I care to's like a battle. But RPM dictates that we must move on!! lol
