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The Day Of Reckoning

Shed Sounds

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My latest composition - It was the first song I worked on in Dubai after curfew was imposed in April but it started life in January in the UK and was called ‘Abundance Of Time’ and has taken me until now to finish. It’s a bit unusual as it has two bass tracks in places (one heavily reverbed and the other more ‘straight ahead’)

For someone who doesn’t listen to an extraordinary amount of Pink Floyd, the middle 8 sounds extraordinarily like Pink Floyd… 😳

I added the spoken word bit as a quote from I vlog I’d done on LinkedIn but this one is crying out for vocal harmonies, particularly the end section…. One day…

Shed Sounds's avatar
Shed Sounds said

Thanks @andrew! The first sign of it is at 21 seconds... and again at 1.45

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

I love the intro, by the way.

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Cool sounds. I was going to listen out for the two basses (I'm considering it on something I'm working on, probably won't though) ... and then I missed it because I'm working in the other window... I shall try again!

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