Extreme BEER Trio!!!'s listening history

Extreme BEER Trio!!!'s avatar
Extreme BEER Trio!!!'s avatar
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
A very loose homage to the passing of the amazing and wonderful tunesmith/songwriter, Burt Bacharach. Created in Pure Data in an equally loose Brian Eno feel.
Ricia Rae's avatar
Okay, RPM Song 3 finished. It's a weird song melodically speaking (yup, that's actually intentional lol). Oddly, it took an extremely long time to produce this one and my eyes are now very blurry. I guess this is an "urban" song (though I…
Brian J. Kenny's avatar
Logan F's avatar
On the house
Worshipriest's avatar
Psalm 95:3 For the Lord is a great God, and a great king over all gods:
jameslawsonbarnes's avatar
Draft recording, plan to add an acoustic at the beginning and possibly a melodica. The vocals will be re-recorded when I'm not sick. These were always intended to be a placeholder track.
Saltyjohn's avatar
Music and performance by Alex Klages, my lyrics. Secrets 2023©John Schofield Chorus: What a glorious favour you’ve done What a terrible kindness it is When you take a secret on board And promise not to tell anyone V1 You can tell…
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
Semi-freestyle. Once I met a child who thought that everyone had a dog. I figured an album named for a dog pun with an AI generated dog on the cover should include actual canine content.