Comments on emperor75's stuff

emperor75's avatar
A new TKP track for now Removed keys for rework UPDATED ALL GUITARS AND VOX on 1/25/25 KEYS ADDED 1/26/25 New mix 2/1/2025 LYRICS: The clouds above Leave nothing to the sun They grip the voice of day In countless shades of Gray…
Guest said

Sounds awesome bro!

emperor75's avatar
A new TKP track for now Removed keys for rework UPDATED ALL GUITARS AND VOX on 1/25/25 KEYS ADDED 1/26/25 New mix 2/1/2025 LYRICS: The clouds above Leave nothing to the sun They grip the voice of day In countless shades of Gray…
Guest said

Nice bro!

emperor75's avatar
A new TKP track for now Removed keys for rework UPDATED ALL GUITARS AND VOX on 1/25/25 KEYS ADDED 1/26/25 New mix 2/1/2025 LYRICS: The clouds above Leave nothing to the sun They grip the voice of day In countless shades of Gray…
tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

nice track .....cheers tony cee

emperor75's avatar
A new track I am writing. I am calling it 'Leaving the Bleak' for now. Not sure where it is going but I like it so far. it's a song to symbolize leaving behind my past and focusing on the future. Updated and added 2/3 of the bass guitar 7…
Guest said

Beautiful. I get a sense of drifting away. At times I hear hints of eastern sitar. It may be because the Alan Parsons project collection just came out that I hear that too. Great guitar Ed.

emperor75's avatar
A new Sappy Song :). Added Keys.. most of them anyway. finished keys and a rough draft lead and bass on 7-23 LYRICS: Copyright Ed Price 2022 “South of Compass” Lyrics & music by Ed Price Verse A heavy knock, I scurry to…
Guest said

Absolutely amazing in every heart felt are truly an inspiration to the worlds music. Much love and the upmost respect!!!!!

emperor75's avatar
New track for TKP (The Kittinger Paradigm) ROUGH DRAFT - Humanity's Funeral
emperor75's avatar
emperor75 said

I'm sure you are not alone!

emperor75's avatar
New track for TKP (The Kittinger Paradigm) ROUGH DRAFT - Humanity's Funeral
Guest said

Hearing this has me and my toaster waiting for the water to fill the tub.....

emperor75's avatar
Another piece of the Rossi's Tide pieces that I am working on with Chris. This Piano piece was presented to me, and I got overly inspired so I wrote to it immediately (out of order) LOL Hands down one of the most fun and emotional leads I have…
emperor75's avatar
emperor75 said

played on an ibanez ex370 1991.. tuned to E standard in 432hz. dark matter pickups.

emperor75's avatar
A new Sappy Song :). Added Keys.. most of them anyway. finished keys and a rough draft lead and bass on 7-23 LYRICS: Copyright Ed Price 2022 “South of Compass” Lyrics & music by Ed Price Verse A heavy knock, I scurry to…
Guest said

Beautiful song!

emperor75's avatar
A new track I am writing. I am calling it 'Leaving the Bleak' for now. Not sure where it is going but I like it so far. it's a song to symbolize leaving behind my past and focusing on the future. Updated and added 2/3 of the bass guitar 7…
Guest said

Well I like it. But I like all your guitar. Sounds

emperor75's avatar
A new track I am writing. I am calling it 'Leaving the Bleak' for now. Not sure where it is going but I like it so far. it's a song to symbolize leaving behind my past and focusing on the future. Updated and added 2/3 of the bass guitar 7…
emperor75's avatar
emperor75 said


emperor75's avatar
A new track I am writing. I am calling it 'Leaving the Bleak' for now. Not sure where it is going but I like it so far. it's a song to symbolize leaving behind my past and focusing on the future. Updated and added 2/3 of the bass guitar 7…
Guest said

Stop hogging all the talent, damn it!!

emperor75's avatar
A new Idea for Malignant Inception Song... again, nothing in stone rough draft - Added Bass and Keyboards! Added some panning and volume tweaks on 5/18 Added new BASS EQ and enhancement on 6-7 Added D Standard recording tracks to most parts…
emperor75's avatar
emperor75 said

There is Bass now...

emperor75's avatar
Rough DRAFT of a new Malignant Inception's song This song is written with two guitars in slightly different tuning. Not a huge difference but it's been fun, and I think it sounds cool. One 6 string tuned to D Standard(432Hz), and the other…
Guest said

Sounds good bro

emperor75's avatar
Rough DRAFT of a new Malignant Inception's song This song is written with two guitars in slightly different tuning. Not a huge difference but it's been fun, and I think it sounds cool. One 6 string tuned to D Standard(432Hz), and the other…
Guest said

Please don't rape this with keyboards.

emperor75's avatar
Rough DRAFT of a new Malignant Inception's song This song is written with two guitars in slightly different tuning. Not a huge difference but it's been fun, and I think it sounds cool. One 6 string tuned to D Standard(432Hz), and the other…
Guest said

Sounds good

emperor75's avatar
Rough DRAFT of a new Malignant Inception's song This song is written with two guitars in slightly different tuning. Not a huge difference but it's been fun, and I think it sounds cool. One 6 string tuned to D Standard(432Hz), and the other…
Guest said

Everything that come out of ed brain that he wrights with is amazing and from the soul!!!!

emperor75's avatar
Rough DRAFT of a new Malignant Inception's song This song is written with two guitars in slightly different tuning. Not a huge difference but it's been fun, and I think it sounds cool. One 6 string tuned to D Standard(432Hz), and the other…
Guest said

Keyboards are for twats!!!! This is perfect without them.

emperor75's avatar
A new Idea for Malignant Inception Song... again, nothing in stone rough draft - Added Bass and Keyboards! Added some panning and volume tweaks on 5/18 Added new BASS EQ and enhancement on 6-7 Added D Standard recording tracks to most parts…
Guest said

What bass?

emperor75's avatar
this is a 432Hz tuned version of AFTER SUBSIST... the original is 440Hz.. I am trying to experiment with this.. tell me which you prefer.. this one or the original??
emperor75's avatar
emperor75 said

the drums are all a single track for now but later I will separate them all.
